- Mark Owens Michelle Copti -
July 11, 2015
Our Amazing Bridal Party
Mark and I are blessed with amazing siblings and friends! We could not have chosen a better bridal party, especially since each individual has shaped part of our lives seperate and together! We are so happy that they can be part of our special day!

Maid of Honor
Lilliana Ciresi

Best Man
Jason Hoover
I'm Lilliana Ciresi and I'm lucky enough to be standing next to Michelle as her maid of honor on her wedding day. I met Michelle freshman year, when we both attended IHA. We were the two loudest of our group of 13 so, naturally, we needed to stick together. I currently attend Northeastern University and have hopes of attending law school in the near future. I love helping people and being around family and friends.

Bridget Owens
I'm Bridget Owens. I am Mark's youngest sister. I am a junior at the Academy of the Holy Angels. I have been on the fencing team at Holy Angels since I was a freshman. I love to cook, bake, and play sports. I have known Michelle since I was 10 years old. I cannot wait to be part of Michelle and Mark's special day!

Kristin Gramke
I'm Kristin Gramke. Michelle and I had a unique beginning to our friendship, because we were friends for two years before we ever met in person! We became close through mutual friends at West Point. She asked a simple question about nursing school, I answered back, and one amazing friendship came out of it. I'm currently a nurse working at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. I am so excited and honored to share in Michelle and Mark's special day!

Viviane Audi
I'm Viviane Audi. I have been friends with Michelle since second grade, when she was the only girl in my CCD class to comfort me when I cried. I currently attend Loyola University Maryland and I am studying Biology in hopes to become a doctor or physicians assistant. I love the beach, I love taking pictures, especially polaroids, and I love dancing.

Sarah Owens
I'm Sarah Owens. I am Mark's oldest sister and a friend of Michelle's brother Charles. I am currently a senior at the University of Notre Dame. I am majoring in Psychology and minoring in Theology. I am applying to doctoral programs for Clinical Psychology in the hopes of becoming a licensed Clincal Psychologist. I love to sing, read, and travel. I am so happy to be part of Mark and Michelle's special day!

Kathryn Albano
I'm Kate Albano. I currently study Anthropology at the University of South Carolina. I love movies and magazines. I love to cook and spend time with my friends and family. Michelle has been one of my best friends for almost 8 years. I have been lucky enough to be witness to Mark and Michelle's love from day one.

Matthew Owens
I'm Matthew Owens. I am Mark's younger and only brother. I am a sophomore at the University of Notre Dame. I am studying chemical engineering. I am a member of the Notre Dame fencing team. I am an Eagle Scout and I graduated from Don Bosco Prep where I was also on the fencing and soccer teams. I am honored to be part of Mark and Michelle's big day!

Aiden Timmins
My name is Aidan Timmins. I have known Mark since I had the fortune of scrambling into the same company as him as we started Junior year at West Point. I met Michelle soon after as they are a package deal. Some of my fondest memories from West Point are working with Mark we were company leadership. I love sports, working with my hands, and a good wedding reception.

Charles Copti
The epitome of the motto "work hard play harder", the superman amongst mere aquamen, Charles Copti was an instrumental character in creating the hashtag in #CoptiOwens2015. The day Michelle and Mark met was at a Ramapo vs. Don Bosco Fencing Meet. Mark, a fellow fencer, had come to get his butt kicked by Ramapo, as Don Bosco had done every year, when the two star crossed lovers first met. Charles takes full credit for their entire relationship, and it is strongly believed by the general population that he is the glue that holds and has molded Mark and Michelle’s relationship together all these years. Charles has known Michelle since she was 6 months old, and has been around to annoy her every step of the way. Michelle was present at a crucial turning point in his life; the day Charles realized he would not get his acceptance letter into Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He continues to believe that Hogwarts is racist against Egyptians, and that is the only reason he wasn’t accepted. Charles currently attends Duke University. He is majoring in Political Science, with a concentration in Political Economy and will receive a certificate in Markets and Management Studies. Charles has a strong passion for music, Christopher Nolan movies, and anything Batman (Spoiler Alert: He is Batman). Charles is extremely honored and humbled by being welcomed as a groomsmen, and is so thankful that God put Michelle and Mark into each others lives.

Matthew Clidas

Junior Bridesmaid
Sarah Fahmy
I'm Sarah Fahmy, Michelle's cousin. I am happy to be part of Michelle and Mark's wedding. Michelle is a very special person in my life, like a big sister. I live in Luxembourg with my family and I am in grade 6 at Lycee Vaubaun (a French school in Luxembourg). I like doing art, reading, playing with my cat, and roller blading.

Michael Kennedy
Mike Kennedy. Quite possibly the 2nd most interesting man in the world. It is no wonder he and Mark Owens are friends. One could say Mike is the Starsky to Mark's Hutch; the Jordan to his Pippen. What would Butch Cassidy be without the Sundance Kid? The answer: not much. These two young demigods first crossed paths at the prestigious Don Bosco Preparatory High School in Ramsey, NJ. They were brought together by a young priest because very few could interpret the Word like these two. If there were to be a second Bible written, the Holy Spirit would undoubtedly divinely inspire them both to pen a book of this new Gospel. Upon graduation from Don Bosco they went their respective ways. This separation was in body only as these two men remained close friends thru social media. Thank you M. Zuck. In all seriousness, I am honored that Mark asked me to be a groomsmen. But perhaps the greatest honor is that Michelle let him. Congratulations guys and God Bless!

Junior Groomsmen
Alexandre Fahmy
I'm Alexandre Fahmy, Michelle's cousin. Micha has always been part of my life from a few days after I was born. I have a picture of her holding me when I was 9 days old. I am in grade 8 in the French school, Lycee Vauban, in Luxembourg. I enjoy reading adventure and sci-fi, building anything, roller blading, riding my bike and playing video games with my friends in Europe and Ottawa.
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